Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Psychological, behavioral therapy, and drugs are the mainstays of PE treatment. You can talk to your healthcare provider to decide for you the best option. More than one type of treatment can be used at one time.

Psychological Therapy

Psychological therapy is a way of working through emotions and feelings that can lead to problems in a sexual relationship. The goal of this type of treatment is to learn the source of the problems and to find solutions that can help PE. It can help couples learn to draw close to one another. Psychiatry can help you not to worry about the effectiveness of sex. It can also give you greater sexual confidence and understanding to help your partner's satisfaction. This type of treatment may be used as the only alternative, or it may be used in conjunction with medical or behavioral therapy.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy uses tests to help build tolerance for delayed ejaculation. The goal is to help you train your body away from PE. Other options are the squeezing method and the stop-first mode. Exercise works well, but it may not always be the answer.

-The Squeeze Method

In this way, you or your partner moves your rod until you are about to reach it. When you are close, you or your partner presses hard on your penis so that your erection ends. The goal is to identify the feelings that lead to the climax. Concentration techniques can help you better manage and delay the climax yourself.

-The Stop-Start Method

This way, you or your partner rejuvenate your penis just before the clitoris. When you are about to reach the climax, you or your partner will have to stop until the urge to reach the climax disappears. As you regain control, you and your partner begin to arouse your penis again. This process is repeated 3 times. He ejaculates a fourth time. You repeat this process 3 times a week until you get more control.

Medical Therapy

No drugs are allowed in the U.S. to treat PE. However, there are a lot of drugs, and creams that can delay ejaculation in men with PE.


Doctors have noticed that men and women who use antidepressants delay orgasm. Drugs such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, clomipramine, and tramadol affect serotonin levels. Some doctors use these drugs "off-label" (for a different reason than the original use of the drug) to treat PE. If one medicine does not work, your doctor may suggest that you try a different medicine.

For some, α1-Adrenoceptor antagonists are another drug treatment option. These medications may cause ejaculatory dysfunction such as retrograde ejaculation and/or ejaculation failure.

PE drugs can be taken daily or only before sex. Your healthcare provider will suggest when you should take the medication based on your level of activity. The best time to take medication is unclear. Most doctors recommend from 2 to 6 hours before sex. PE can return if you stop using these drugs. Many men with PE need to take these medications regularly.

-After Treatment

According to the strategies listed here, about 95 out of 100 men will recover in PE. There is no way to promise recovery, but learning to relax may help. If the problem persists, keep working with your healthcare provider to find solutions.

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