If you are experiencing premature ejaculation, our clinic is the best place to seek treatment. A sexual disorder characterized by the rapid release of sperm during sexual intercourse is known as premature ejaculation. Ejaculation in a normal man occurs between 5 and 7 minutes of sex. The man, however, loses his sperm before or within one to two minutes of having sex due to the rapid discharge. The couple's relationship suffers as a result of premature ejaculation. Some people are also bothered by the previous ejaculation. Rapid discharge affects people of all ages. This issue has no negative consequences, but it reduces the enjoyment of sexual life. Both psychological and biological factors influence early ejaculation. Furthermore, if a man ejaculates within one minute of penetration and loses interest in sex, he should seek medical attention. Medication, sexual counseling, and other techniques can all help a person overcome early ejaculation issues.