
Category Male Infertility

What is a Vasectomy/ Male Sterilization?

A Vasectomy is a form of Family Planning Operation for Men. The Male Sterilisation is simple and easier than female sterlization. It prevents sperm from being released during ejaculation.

During the procedure, the vas deferens (the sperm carrying tube) are cut or blocked.

Sperm must travel from the testicles to the man’s urethra for pregnancy to eventually occur. Sealing or cutting the vas deferens prevents sperm from reaching the urethra.

You should consider vasectomy only if you’re certain you don’t want to have any more children.

The goal of the vasectomy is for the man to have no sperm in his ejaculate so that his ejaculate cannot cause pregnancy.


How is vasectomy surgery performed?

In one of the vasectomy surgery method, the doctor makes two very small incisions to access the vas deferens on either side of the scrotum.

Doctors usually perform male vasectomy under local anesthesia.

After the Vasectomy operation for men, you’ll need to avoid sex and any strenuous activity for about a week.


What won’t happen after vasectomy surgery?

There’re often misconceptions or other concerns about vasectomy and side effects.

A vasectomy only means that the ejaculate will not have sperm and can’t fertilize the egg. Sperm makes up less than 3 percent of your ejaculate. There’s no change in the look, taste, and amount of semen after a vasectomy.

A vasectomy operation also won’t:

  • affect masculinity or sexuality
  • affect your testosterone levels
  • change the volume of your ejaculate
  • damage to other sexual organs
  • cause severe pain
  • prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)


What happens to sperm after a male vasectomy surgery?

After a vasectomy, the testicles continue to make sperm. But Sperm die inside only.

When the sperm cells die, they disintegrate and are absorbed by the body.

This is the same way the body handles other types of cells that die and are replaced every day.

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