Azoospermia Nil spermsLow sperm counts

Category Azoospermia/Nil sperms/Low sperm counts

Nil sperm count( Azoospermia) or Low sperm counts ( Oligospermia) is a common cause of infertility and can occur either due to problems in sperm production in testis(Non Obstructive Azoospermia) or due to sperm transport out of testis (Obstructive Azoospermia). Proper evaluation and treatment by medicines or surgery if needed, is highly effective in treatment of such conditions. Obstructive azoospermia can be treated by either a simple needle testicular sperm extraction and IVF or by correcting the site of blockade in sperm pathway.

Non obstructive azoospermia however requires a more elaborate approach. The cause testicular failure is evaluated. Some cases can be successfully treated by medicines with very high success rates whereas others may need surgical sperm extraction and IVF.

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